Bioptica Laser Aesthetics
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Staff Profiles

Mike Regan

Mike Regan

Mike Regan has been actively involved in the national and international laser safety standards sector since 2001. Mike has an MSc in Physics from the University of Liverpool, UK.

He is a Director of the UK based company Laser Safety Advisory Ltd - in collaboration with Roy Henderson. Laser Safety Advisory Ltd was founded in 2012.

Mike has in depth knowledge of laser safety as it applies to both the general / industrial sector and the medical / aesthetic sector. He is Certificated Laser Protection Adviser for these sectors.

Mike has an excellent track record as an independent laser safety consultant, currently with Laser Safety Advisory Ltd; previously with Lucid for five years; and before that for three years with Lasermet. Prior to 2003 he had a senior role advising Marconi in-house on fibre optics laser safety issues, and leading Marconi’s corporate / global laser safety policy definition process for three years.

Whilst for many years Mike has worked in and contributed to a wide variety of applications concerning laser safety, his recent specific specializations include the following:

Since 2016 and ongoing Mike has been Convenor to IEC TC76 Working Group 5: Safety of fibre & free space optical communication systems. In November 2019 he received the IEC 1906 Award for this.

Since 2010 and ongoing, Mike has been an active member of IEC TC76 JWG12 - Eye and face protection against laser radiation. This included contributing to the recently published IEC / ISO 19818-1 laser eyewear standard, for which Mike was the main author of the eyewear marking syntax section. Prior to that he was also active in the BSI PH2/3 laser eyewear committed, in respect of EN 207 and EN 208 - this committee having more recently been incorporated into BSI EPL76.

From 2010 to 2020 Mike was Chair the BSI CH403 Committee: Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic Non-Surgical Medical Services. In December 2015 he received a BSI Leadership Award for this.

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Roy Henderson

Roy Henderson

Now retired, during his long career in laser safety Roy Henderson was a Certificated LPA (Laser Protection Adviser) with an international reputation as a leading specialist in laser safety. He established his organisation Bioptica in 1990 to offer safety training and consultancy services to both users and manufacturers of laser equipment. In 2012, and whilst continuing with Bioptica, Roy jointly formed Laser Safety Advisory Limited. Roy retired from offering laser safety services commercially in November 2022, although he remains active on both national and international laser safety committees.

As a physicist, Roy followed a career in the application of optics and laser technology in both the medical and industrial sectors. He was involved in some of the earliest applications of medical lasers in the UK and has undertaken innovative work in laser technology. He has served as Chair of the European CENELEC committee for laser safety (CLC/TC76) and Project Leader of ISO/TC94/SC6 for laser eye protection. He has been actively involved in international standards for laser safety since 1997.

Roy has written two books on laser safety (one as co-author) and regularly serves on the Advisory Board for the International Laser Safety Conference (ILSC). In addition to providing laser safety support throughout the UK and Ireland (including the training of other LPAs), he has also given laser safety courses in Europe, the USA and Asia.