Bioptica Laser Aesthetics
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Laser Protection Adviser (LPA) support

Laser Protection Adviser (LPA) Support

We provide full LPA support, covering:

  • Certificate of Laser Protection Adviser Support for 12 months
  • One Site Visit including LPA travelling time and expenses
  • Risk Assessment and Local Rules
  • Email access to advice from LPA for duration of the Certificate
Contact Bioptica Laser Aesthetics

To arrange LPA Support please:

For the healthcare sector in England, i.e. clinics which employ healthcare professionals (essentially doctors and nurses) to “treat disease, disorder or injury”, clinics must register with the CQC.

For the non-healthcare sector in England, the Local Authorities are responsible for applying the regulation relevant to their given geographical area. In London clinics must apply for a “Special Treatments Licence”, under the London Local Authorities Act 1991. Outside London the LAs generally do not have the power to insist on licensing as such, but instead will apply the more general ordinances of the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Artificial Optical radiation Directive. In all cases clinics are required to have access to a Certificated Laser Protection Adviser (LPA) who is responsible for:

  • Site Inspection
  • Risk Assessment
  • Local Rules

Find out more about the laser safety regulations in Eire, N Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

The term Laser Protection Adviser is sometimes spelt Laser Protection Advisor. The two are synonymous.