Bioptica Laser Aesthetics
(click on News page for details)


General and Industrial

By the “General and Industrial” sector we mean e.g. academic, industrial, scientific, and telecoms etc. If you work in these areas we can help you to understand the safety issues involved with lasers. Whether you are a manufacturer of laser products, or a user of laser equipment, we can advise on how to meet all the necessary safety requirements.

  • Laser product manufacturers: We provide guidance on the classification and compliance of laser products, helping manufacturers of laser equipment to meet relevant UK, European, US and international laser safety requirements. For further detail contact us.
  • Laser Users: We provide support to laser users by undertaking laser safety risk assessments and audits, identifying the necessary protective control measures and procedures. For further detail contact us.
  • Training: We provide high-quality training in laser safety. Our training ranges from basic awareness courses to more advanced in-depth training. We can do the training either on-site or live online via e.g. Zoom. For further detail click here.